Thank you ILIF for bestowing me with such an honor! Being given the Hero Award was not at all expected and I am both humbled and grateful for the recognition.
Amanda Sturgeon, Anjanette Green, Jason McLennan
Working with the ILFI for the last several years on projects ranging from the first Living Buildings in China, the first Declare labels in Asia, and being the first Ambassador in both China and Peru has afforded me some of the best experiences of my career.
Big Bang Dinner 2018
Now as an Assessor for the newly-launched Living Product Challenge, I am invigorated and excited to be ushering in some of the world's first Living Products.
There are many people who deserve this award and I am under no illusions that I earned this all on my own. Dozens of people supported and trusted me in these efforts towards brilliant, regenerative designs and one doesn't accomplish the rigors of the LBC, LPC or Declare certification alone. These programs cannot be realized without a strong foundation of enthusiastic and supportive people.
So to those who helped me get to where I am today, thank you so much, I share this award proudly with all of you!
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