Getting ready for the biggest volunteering adventure also means getting shot...with immunizations that is. Yellow Fever, although rare in the region where I will be working, this preventative immunization is compulsory in order to enter Peru. I decided it would behoove me to throw in a tetanus shot for good measure.
So after calling pharmacies from San Francisco to Seattle and even Spokane, I quickly discovered that Yellow Fever shots are not offered in many places and further, they're not covered by most insurance plans.
Luckily, the pharmacy that was closest and most affordable ended up being Walgreens, a 20 minute walk from my front door.
One quick call to confirm an appointment, a simple questionnaire and voilà, shots fired.
Needless to say, I'm not afraid of needles.
I'm not sure anyone should have this much fun getting poked with small doses of disease, but what can I say-- I'm headed to the Amazon and I just can't stop smiling!
One for Yellow Fever, one for good luck?